Monday 17 September 2012

Glam Doll Makeup Look

ver back I started accepting questions about how to administer limecrime makeup, I’ve started accepting all sorts of architecture fun in the mornings!
Yesterday I did a fun MAC gold affair and this morning I absitively
to do a limecrime aggregate thing. I’m apologetic if you are ailing of me announcement pics of my eyes this morning taken’ with my corpuscle phone but it’s just so abundant fun and well… I wanna allotment the adulation with ma peeps that’s you.I activated all of the colors wet and again did some dry aggregate so the colors would breeze into one addition (you’ll apprehension that I skipped the eye liner absolutely because i’m a wimp Eyes. I activated adhesive bent green with a wet brush.- Again I activated empress purple in the bulge of my lid on the edges aswell wet. I again corrective on some afterglow blue-ish lavender wet on the average area the two end colors met up, so that they would alloy into one addition better. I bankrupt it up with some dry abrasion of the colors over the wet locations just to get the aggregate to attending softer
- I accomplished with a little damsel dry brushed over the accomplished affair for blinking (my camera never picks that up and some finishing crumb to set it.


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