Monday, 15 July 2013

Hot Girl Movie Moments: Hits and Misses

The sequel to the 2013 ensemble comedy has been reviled by critics for being stunningly slipshod and annoyingly adolescent, even for an Adam Sandler movie. In keeping with the film's seemingly non-stop
sophomoric and scatological humor, it's not surprising that most of the female cast members are reduced to being simply objects to be desired and feared by the idiotic boys disguised as middle-aged ...
We're not sure why Kim Kardashian was cast in Tyler Perry's cinematic deconstruction of adultery other than the fact that maybe the producers thought she would bring some eye candy to the proceedings, but the professional celebrity ended up being a major distraction with her ridiculous outfits and complete lack of acting ability; indeed, the Village Voice suggests the film exists in an alternate reality where "Kim Kardashian is a reasonable choice for a role involving acting.


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