Monday, 2 September 2013

Desi Beautiful Girls Queen

I have been smitten with the simplicity and beauty of these words this week, taken from Esther 2:15 (MSG). Esther, JUST AS SHE WAS, won the admiration
of everyone who saw her. There is no message of striving here. And trust me, Esther was in the beauty contest of the ages in this scripture. See, the king of her day was looking for a new wife, and he had all of the most beautiful virgins brought to him so he could choose the lucky gal. And we thought the Housewives of Beverly Hills were dramatic and competitive! Can you imagine vying for the position of Queen?!?
Be your best, look your best, act your best, look out for number one, make away for yourself – the pressure was on! And in the middle of it all there is Esther, just as she was, winning the admiration of everyone who saw her. Some of the most beautiful people I have ever met wouldn’t qualify to be on the cover of Vogue by the world’s standards, but I have found their God-confidence and purity of heart to be undeniably becoming. Isn’t there something captivating about someone who isn’t trying to be captivating?
In my own life I’ve found that if I will just be faithful where I am at, with who God has placed in my path, and with what I have in my hands, that striving and making away for myself is just not needed. Do you realize that God can open up bigger doors than you ever could on your own? Busy yourself with being faithful where you are at and just see what happens.
What of Esther? Glad you asked. She did become Queen, and later we find out why. God didn’t place Esther as Queen so she could be livin’ the high life in the palace, but rather so she could use her influence to help save the lives of His people; and she did just that. She became a hero.
What about us? Last I checked I am in no “Be the Next Queen” contest, and I don’t know anyone who is. So, how about we live faithfully where we are at, just as we are, and let’s just see what happens. I would venture to say that God will open up doors for us. And when He does, let’s remember that they haven’t opened so we can wear our title and live the high life, but rather so we can use our influence to make a difference for God’s kingdom.


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